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Instructions & Demo



Upload up to 5 images based on level of importance with your first food image being the most important. To get the best image recognition, it is best to take the food out of the bag/container and lay on plate. Only upload images of food/ingredients, not an entire meal to get the best results.


After you upload the images, you will have an option to select from a dropdown if you have any allergies. This will ensure none of the recipes generated will include the allergy you notated.


Once your images have been uploaded, verify that the image name generated from the model is corrrect for each image you uploaded. If it is incorrect, select "no" and write the correct name.


After you click "Submit", a list of recipes will be generated keeping in mind of the upload order and alllergens. If there are no recipes available with the combination of images you uploaded, you will recieve this message "No recipes found. Please, Try Again!". If you recieve this message, try uploading other food/ingredients you have and changing up the order in which you upload it to see if more reciepes generate.  




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